The goal of this assignment is for you to create a powerpoint presentation pooling the knowledge that you have gained through your research on your topic. After creating your presentation, you will share a 7-10 minute presentation with a group of your peers.
For your powerpoint presentation …
– You with give a brief introduction to your topic (what is your topic, why should we care about it, what you are going to discuss in your presentation etc.)
– Present the research and rationale supporting one side of your topic
– Present the research and rationale supporting the opposite side of your topic
– A note on the research here, some sides are supported heavily on one side, some are lopsided, it is expected that you still strongly support both sides
– The final part of the presentation is where your final opinion of where you came down after reading the research and share a conclusion bringing the whole project together.
For the actual presentation…
– You will speak 7-10 minutes presenting your presentation to a group of your peers that will be determined in the near future
– You will record the presentation through kaltura video (same as you did for your intro video)
– You will be graded on your professionalism and knowledge of the presentation
***Your presentation will not be submitted here but in your symposium group***