1) Choose a piece of legislation relevant to health and safety in the tourism industry anywhere in the world.
Suggestions, are not limited, but may include Accommodations, F&B, Tour Operators, Cannabis, Cruise Ships, COVID, Sustainability, Wellness, Adventure Tourism, Indigenous Tourism etc.
2) Summarize 2-3 key components from the selected legislative document.
3) Explain why this piece of legislation is important or relevant to the tourism industry.
4) Present additional related documents (regulations, guidelines, policies, bylaws, procedures, etc.).
For example, under Cannabis legislation you might find specific directions abut edibles or under Hazardous Waste legislation you might find specific direction about handling and disposing of chemicals or under Accessibility Act you might find specific facility design requirements.
5) Explain why the additional related documents are important or relevant to the original legislative document.
6) Present any additional resources you find related to the legislative document.
For example, accident investigation and reporting documents, emergency procedures and audits and inspections.