Care coordination of children with neurodevelopmental disabilities and medical complexity

Purpose: The purpose of this literature review is to explore and synthesize the current body of knowledge in a nursing topic of your choosing in a scholarly paper. The aim of this paper is to provide a comprehensive analysis of the existing research on your chosen topic. By reviewing the current research on your topic, you will identify evidence based best practices and any gaps in the current literature.  You will also summarize the weaknesses and strengths present in the current research. The body (do not include cover page or reference pages) of your paper should be at least 3 pages but no more than 6 pages in length.  


      Skills: This assignment is structured to help you practice the following skills      

      that are essential to your success as a student and as a working nursing    


 Utilize AI applications in an ethically responsible way to generate Ideas for a scholarly paper.
 Demonstrate the ability to complete research on your chosen topic utilizing the university library.
 Construct an organized literature review paper utilizing APA 7th Ed. Formatting.
 Define important aspects of nursing research in a topic of your choice.  
 Compare and contrast research findings of chosen articles. 
 Distinguish between the strengths and weaknesses of chosen research articles.
 Discuss how the evidence-based findings of your chosen articles could be adapted to the care of patients and/or suggest new directions for researchers to explore. 


    Knowledge:  This assignment will also assist you to build your knowledge in the    

    following areas:

 Composition of a literature review research paper using APA 7th Ed.
 Use of the University Library research tools. 
 Ethical use of AI in the creation of scholarly work.
 How to evaluate nursing research and adapt it to nursing practice.



Tasks:  For this assignment you will complete the following tasks:


1. Brainstorm your literature review nursing research topic using an AI application such as ChatGPT.  After completing this step, you will discuss your topic and brainstorming process using AI in an assigned Canvas discussion.


2. Utilize the VTSU library to gather at least 3 peer reviewed research articles for your literature review paper.  These articles must be no more than 5 years old.  After completing this step, you will submit your articles in APA reference list format to an assigned canvas discussion board.  At this point you will have the opportunity to review your classmates’ topics and articles. Are any of the topics and articles the same or similar to yours?  If so, consider reaching out and connecting with those classmates to explore your topic utilizing other student perspectives. Please note: Even though you may collaborate you are expected to write your own paper and to have a unique viewpoint and voice.   


3. Using APA formatting write at least one rough draft of your paper then share it with a classmate.  Gather the classmate’s feedback and revise your paper.  You may also want to utilize the writing center or to gather additional feedback prior to completing a final draft. Please note:  You may not use AI to write your paper other than word processing applications like spellcheck and thesaurus.


4. Review your paper for APA Formatting using the APA Beginner Student Paper Checklist. 


5. Review your paper using the assignment rubric (see Criteria for Success below).


6. Submit your paper to Turn It In via the Canvas Literary Review Assignment.  Use the Turn It In report to address any potential plagiarism or grammar issues such as missed citations, lack of originality, and issues of punctuation or other problems with grammar. In general, papers should have an originality score of 25% or less.  If you are having trouble with this step, be sure to discuss this with a peer, the writing center,, or the instructor. Please note: you may need to submit your paper several times in order to complete the final draft.  Only the final (last submitted draft) will be reviewed for grading.


Criteria for Success Rubric:

Literature Review Paper Rubric






Does not meet 


Brainstorms topic with AI application to formulate literature review topic.

10 points

Uses AI in the brainstorming process in an ethical manner and reflects on the process of with peers.

79 points

Uses AI tools, ethically with minor lapses in understanding of ethical AI use.  Does reflect on brainstorming process with peers.

63 points

Uses AI tools with some ethical considerations but lapses are evident.  Does reflect on brainstorming process with peers.

1-2 points

Limited use of AI in the brainstorming process with minimal discussion of brainstorming process with peers.

0 point

Does not use AI in the development of paper topic or uses AI unethically or outside assignment parameters or fails to discuss process with peers


Completes research for paper with VTSU library

10 points

Demonstrates the ability to complete comprehensive research using the VTSU library by choosing at least 3 resources that meet paper requirements. 

79 points

Completes research with mostly relevant sources that meet paper requirements. Demonstrating good use of the VTSU library.

63 points

Completes research with some relevant sources but lacks specificity to paper topic or does not meet paper requirements.

1-2 point

Limited research with sources that do not meet paper requirements.

0 point

Fails to completeadequate research.  Lacks resources appropriate for paper.


Collaborates with peers in development and research of literature review.  



5 points 

Collaborates effectively with at least one peer during development of literature review in canvas discussion. Demonstrates excellent teamwork.

4-3 points

Collaborates with at least one peer, participates in canvas discussions, contributes useful ideas; often shares references, resources and provides respectful feedback. Shows Solid teamwork skills.


3-2 points

Collaborates with at least one peer participates in Canvas Discussion occasionally contributing ideas, sometimes shares resources and provides feedback. Shows adequate teamwork skills.

1 point

Collaborates minimally at least one peer, participates minimally in Canvas discussion. Rarely shares resources and provides little feedback.

0 points

Does not collaborate with at least one peer and/or fails to participate in canvas discussion.


APA 7th ed. Formatting 

10 points

Follows APA Formatting meticulously, with no errors


Follows APA formatting with minor errors.

63 points

Follows APA formatting with several noticeable errors. 

1-2 point

Many APA formatting errors 

0 points

Fails to follow APA formatting 


Citation and referencing 

5 points

Adheres to required APA citation style with proper use of citations and referencing throughout paper

4-3 points

Mostly adheres to APA citation style with proper use of citation and referencing with minor errors

3-2 points

Inconsistent adherence to APA citation style. Basic use of citation and referencing with some errors

1-2 points

Poor adherence to APA citations style. Limited use of citation and referencing with multiple errors 

0 points

Does not adhere to APA citation and referencing style.  Inadequate citation and referencing with numerous errors.


Writing Quality and Organization

10 points 

Well written with clear, logical organization, free grammatical, spelling, or punctuation errors. Proper academic tone and style.

7-9 points 

Clearly written and well-organized with minor grammatical, spelling, or punctuation errors.  Generally, maintains an academic tone and style.

6-3 points

Understand-able writing and organization with some grammatical, spelling, or punctuation errors. Inconsistent academic tone and style.

2-1 points 

Writing is difficult to follow with numerous grammatical, spelling, and/or punctuation errors.  Poor organization and inconsistent academic tone.

0 points 

Poorly written with pervasive grammatical, spelling and/or punctuation errors. Disorganized and lacks academic tone.


Introduction and Purpose 

10 points

Clearly states the purpose of the literature review, provides relevant background information, and outlines the scope and organization of the paper.

7-9 points

States the purpose of the literature review and provides some background information but may lack clarity or detail in scope and organization.

6-3 points

States the purpose but lacks sufficient background information or clear organization.

2-1 points

Unclear statement of purpose, minimal background information, and poor organization.

0 points 

No clear Introduction, lacking purpose, background information and organization.


Definition and Comparison of nursing research

15 points

Clearly defines important aspects of the nursing research and compares research findings thoroughly.

14-10 points

Defines and compares nursing research findings, with minor gaps.

9-5 points 

Provides a basic definition and comparison of nursing research.

4-1 points 

Provides a limited definition and comparison of nursing research findings. 

0 points 

Fails to compare define or compare nursing research findings adequately.


Analysis of the Strengths and Weaknesses of the Research

15 points

Thoroughly distinguishes between the strengths and weaknesses of chosen articles, providing insightful analysis.

14-10 points

Distinguishes between strengths and weaknesses, with some analysis.

9-5 points

Provides basic distinction between strengths and. Weaknesses. 

4-1 points

Provides limited distinction between strengths and weaknesses. 

0 points

Fails to distinguish between strengths and weaknesses.


Evidence-based Findings and recommendations 

10 points

Discusses evidenced-based findings and provides well-reasoned recommenda-tions for new directions in research.

9-7 points 

Discusses findings and provides reasonable recommenda-tions.

6-3 points

Discusses findings with some recommenda-tions.

2-1 points 

Limited discussion of findings and recommenda-tions.

0 points 

Fails to discuss findings and/or recommendations.





Currie, G., Materula, D., Gall, N., Lachuk, G., Richard, C., Yohemas, M., Dewan, T., Gibbard, W.    B., & Zwicker, J. (2023). Care coordination of children with neurodevelopmental disabilities and medical complexity during the COVID‐19 pandemic: Caregiver experiences. Child: Care, Health & Development49(5), 834–845.


LIDDLE, M.; SONNENTAG, T. L. Effectiveness of Adaptive Care Plans for Children with Developmental Disabilities During Outpatient Clinic Appointments. Journal of Autism & Developmental Disorders[s. l.], v. 51, n. 9, p. 3028–3038, 2021. DOI 10.1007/s10803-020-04764-1. Disponível em: Acesso em: 11 out. 2024.


MCLEIGH, J. D. et al. Paediatric integrated care in the primary care setting: A scoping review of populations served, models used and outcomes measured. Child: Care, Health & Development[s. l.], v. 48, n. 5, p. 869–879, 2022. DOI 10.1111/cch.13000. Disponível em: Acesso em: 11 out. 2024.

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