Due Date: December 10th
Format: 5 pages + Works Cited pg double spaced 1″ margins
12 pt. Times New Roman cite (Author p#) in-text
Paper #3 Case Study: Complete one 5-page case analysis of an event /issue in the business world which has presented a moral dilemma.
(1) For this assignment, provide a well-researched presentation of a case related to business ethics, and a thorough discussion and analysis of the moral issues it involves!
(2)Your topic should be a focused and in depth presentation of specific, real-world case, corporation, product, etc.
(3) Stake out a moral position relative to the case, and support your view with moral theory and course concepts.
- You may select the case to be studied from the textbook or from another source. If you are unsure about your selection, please see the instructor.
- Your discussion should include a presentation of opposing perspectives on the moral issue that is presented by the case.
- Your task will be to argue that one of these opposing views is morally permissible or obligatory, while the other is not, or is less desirable.
- Refer to moral principles and theories along with relevant sections from professional codes of ethics in support of your view.
- The analysis should include an explanation of the circumstances surrounding the case, including discussion of important decisions and why they were made.
- Were the decisions that were made moral or not? Explain why.
- Go into detail with specifics about companies, people, places, dates,etc. when appropriate.
- Compare and contrast with secondary cases which help to either further illustrate the issue or clarify your argument.
- Use at least THREE high-quality sources for information about your case. (Do not rely on questionable web resources.)
- Try to apply concepts and vocabulary from class as fully and accurately as you can. Your paper should reflect the knowledge of moral decision-making you have gained this semester.
Questions to consider:
- Why does this issue represent an example of injustice?
- What is the nature/origin of the problem?
- Why are there competing attitudes on the issue? What values are at stake?
- What does a moderate view of the issue look like, taking into account competing values?
- What are some possible solutions? How can they be achieved?
- Which individuals or groups are most affected by the issue? Who is not?
- Which theorists ideas are most relevant to this issue?
A successful essay will contain the following elements:
a) clear thesis statement articulating your view in intro paragraph
b) presentation of premises which support your point of view
c) presentation of the opposing argument
d) response to opposition argument (which shows that your view is superior)
e) application and discussion of theory from at least THREE philosophers covered in course
f) use of credible external sources and inclusion of Works Cited page
g) accurate application of moral theory, principles, and concepts from the course
h) discuss details: specific people, places, events, companies, decisions, etc.
- Do some research and draw on at least three high-quality sources. Do not rely on questionable web resources! Take advantage of the CCC library and databases!
- How can different ethical theories be used to either justify OR condemn the company’s actions?
- Think about what your final conclusion will be β what claim do you want to make? Mention this in your introductory paragraph.
- Use evidence (premises) which demonstrate that your point of view is right. Draw on what you have learned about moral principles and theories.
- Consider what your opponent will say, and respond to likely criticism. Your goal is to be convincing and thorough.
- Do not rely on quotes, discuss the issue in your own voice while remaining as objective as possible.