Summary & Instructions:
• Contained in this file are three case study descriptions. Students will prepare a response
for each of the three Case Studies in this assignment
• Students will use the Case Study document template provided by the instructor and will
not change the document formatting (line spacing, font, margins, etc)
• Completed assignments will be uploaded as a single file on Brightspace under
• Your assignments will be cross-referenced against the database and will
include an academic integrity pledge
• Students will have a maximum of 3 pages to answer each Case Study (i.e., total 9 pages).
Only content within this page limit will be graded
• Each Case Study will be graded out of 15 marks (total = 45 marks), and the total assignment
will be worth 30% of your final grade
• At the bottom of each Case Study there will be specific instructions included for how to
approach the nutritional problem (i.e., reason for consultation with a sports nutrition
professional), including targeted questions to address in your response and a breakdown
of how marks will be allocated
• Your response to each Case Study can be subdivided into sections that match the discussion
questions OR you can combine your responses into a single ‘plan’ for how you could address
the nutritional problem in the Case Study (and integrate your specific responses to the
discussion questions)
• To aid your decision-making for ‘what’ and ‘how much’ to write, each Case Study includes
a breakdown of the marks allocated to answering each discussion question (1 point or
statement does not necessarily equal one mark)
• Your priority should be to directly address the discussion questions, providing a clear
description of what action or counselling you would provide and why (i.e., rationale for
your decisions based on the information provided and application of course knowledge)
• If you are conflicted about two possible courses of action for how to deal with a Case
Study- simply list them and indicate which would be the better option and why