Hello, good morning Lilian. I have a ppt presentation thats due by the 29th of this month. The assignment topic can be on either one i mentioned in the “assignment topic colum”. I copied the instructions below. Please let me know if you have any questions. Thanks in avdance!
Primary Care Plan
Come to class prepared to present the Primary Care Plan final project (it is an individual job) through a PowerPoint presentation. The facilitator will provide you day and hour for your presentation (It could be on week 7 or 8).
Present the selected problem and identify the population group chosen for the project. Submit an analysis of priorities for health prevention and disease prevention according to “Healthy People 2020”.
The content should be presented in a logical and organized manner, reflecting evidence of the development of a written policy for the provision of health services, including criteria established to provide successful preventive services.
The project may include objectives, introduction, problem, and population identification, project question, description of the proposed solution, literature supporting the project, implementation of the plan (step by step), the theory of change to be used, plan, practical recommendations, conclusions, and references.
Presentations may not exceed 30 minutes. This project has a value of 100 points (40%) and will be evaluated using the rubric included in the module. Upload here for evaluation. Plagiarism must be less than 10%!