Assignment 1
Omitted Case Brief: Each chapter outline must include only one detailed case brief
. You are free to choose which one of the three Court opinions that you wish to brief in each chapterchoose from these three
Case 7.1
Primal Vantage Co. v. O’Bryan
Case 7.2
Stange v. Janssen Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
Case Analysis 7.3
Nicholas Brown v. El Dorado Union High School District
Read all topics and choose only one topic from the 3 and choose the one that makes sense to you, then write a case brief. i have dropped a file for a blank structured case brief for you to use.I have also dropped a file for a case brief example which it is highlighted in. for you to look at and understand the assignment.All files for this assignment1.)
it is in Legal.Environment.Business.Spring.2025.Sample.Outline.Chapter.1.pdf
this is an example for reference,
These are all files need for assignment one
CASE BRIEF.pdfCase Analysis 73 Nicholas Brown v El Dorado Union High School District.pdfCase 72 Stange v Janssen Pharmaceuticals Inc.pdfCase 71 Primal Vantage Co v OBryan.pdfLegalEnvironmentBusinessSpring2025SampleOutlineChapter1.pdf
Assignment 2
Assignment 2 is separate from Assignment 1. Please ensure they are in different documents.
The assignment is to write a case brief on Court.Opinion.Lumsden.True.North.Holdings.Spring.2025.rtf
Please read then write case brief for
Court.Opinion.Lumsden.True.North.Holdings.Spring.2025.rtf in the file
I have uploaded an example case brief for reference. Please use it as a guide to structure a case brief for Lucas vs. Ohio State Dental Board, similar to how Rosa Parks’ case was structured.
These are all files for assignment 2
Example CaseBriefLucasOhioStateDentalBoardSpring2025.pdfCourtOpinionLumsdenTrueNorthHoldingsSpring2025.rtf