1: Project: Analysis Report (20%)
Choose a recent
project undertaken in the Pacific Island country of Samoa, either finished or
currently underway. Briefly describe the project (chosen project should address
a problem or failure that is specific to developing countries). Describe the
market failure or specific problem being addressed by the project. Using
economic theory, describe why the failure occurs, and how the project is
designed to remedy it. Using empirical evidence (either macro-level or
experimental, or a combination), describe what the expected outcome is for a
project currently underway, and what the outcome might have been for a
completed project. Does the project address any of the sustainable development
goals? Discuss.
To complete this task
successfully, you will have to demonstrate your competence in wide range of
skills including teamwork, finding and evaluating sources, designing and
conducting research project, analyzing and discussing research finding,
critical thinking, making recommendations, using academic language and using citation
and reference.
Stage 2: Presentation (5%)
As experts on your
country/topic, you are expected prepare and give an oral power point
presentation of your final research paper in class, no more than ten-15 minutes
long. The presentation has to be comprehensive: you are expected to present
your thesis, your findings, predictions, what you learned from the project etc.
The presentation is worth 5% of your final grade.