Choose any financial institution of your choice. It must be listed on a stock exchange for at least last 5 years.
Choose a major event (good or bad) that had happened in that financial institution. Download the stock prices
around the event (event window and estimation period) and we will run event study it in the class in the Excel.
Mention the main services and functions it performs for the economy.
Thoroughly investigate the financial statements of your selected financial institution for last 5 years and
comment what type of risks the institution is facing and how is it trying to hedge those risks? Comment what
type of regulation they are following?
Demonstrate and comment on the facts and figures of profitability, liquidity, solvency, capital adequacy, and
stock prices from the last 5 years. Also show the latest stock price (one day before the presentation) of your
The project will help you understand the concept of market efficiency, financial performance, and risk
exposure of your chosen financial institution. It will also sharpen your written and oral presentation skills.
Executives consistently state that being able to communicate is absolutely critical to success in business. A
knowledge of finance is useless unless you can communicate your ideas to others. It will help you learn to
work better in groups. Nothing in business is done except in a group environment. You will need to know how
to motivate people who were working with you and for you, and you will have to be able to work with others
in a cooperative manner. The best reports will be produced by cooperative teams, which discuss things and
help one another. Some of you will be good writers, and others will be good with word processing
(organizing/formatting/editing), and some will be good at identifying and analyzing the relevant points in the
cases. By combining those talents, the group can produce a better report than could one person working
New Roman font with size 12. Give headings and subheadings if needed. Do not cite anything from
Google/Wikipedia or any other unreliable source. Give credit to the authentic source. Cite within the report
(in text citation). You must also give a list of reference alphabetically (create bibliography) at the end of the
report. You may attach appendix of extra details at the end of the report (after the bibliography). Give page number at right bottom of page.