Research Assignment:
Choose one of the Graduate Student Research Presentations to base your assignment on. Then provide 1-paragraph responses to each of the following questions. Number your responses to each of the questions, so it is clear which question you are addressing.
- Who was the graduate student presenter and what was the title of the presentation you have selected for this assignment? Write a brief description of the study.
- Find an empirical*, peer-reviewed** journal article related to the presented study. Provide a brief description of the journal article and explain how it extends your understanding of the topic covered in the graduate student research presentation. (Include a full, APA-style citation for the journal article.)
- How is the graduate student presentation related to content from course material (i.e., lecture or textbook)?
- What is the real-world importance of the study? Does it have implications for teachers, parents, etc.?
- Think of a new research question inspired by the graduate student research presentation. How might you design your own study to address your question?
*An empirical article is one that includes an actual research study. You should see sections for Method, Results, Discussion that describe the study.
** A peer-reviewed journal article is from a professional journal. Many search engines like PsycInfo allow you to check a box so that you only see peer-reviewed sources.
– “Natalie Saragosa-Harris” is the Graduate student research presentation
– I added two possible lecture slides (Biological Bases, Piaget)and textbook chapter 1 that might be relatable/helpful to #3.