Your poster should include your name and a title that conveys your main idea.
Your poster will make an argument or tell a story related to the history of women at Wentworth.
Topic: Choose to focus on a specific person, year, major or even a document like a yearbook or the campus newspaper. The more specific your topic, the more successful this midterm project will be.
You will reference at least two primary source historical documents (such as yearbooks, campus newspapers, photographs, etc.) and A Century of Honesty, Energy, Economy System: Wentworth Institute of Technology, 1904-2004 as needed, as well as other relevant scholarly secondary sources in consultation with the professors.
Submit citations in a separate file from your poster. You can use MLA style or any other consistent style to create your bibliography.
Posters should include at least 150 words of text at minimum.
You should create an 11β x 17β poster that includes a high-resolution (or at least very clear) image of your main picture as well as key information drawn from your research.
Your poster can use either a vertical or horizontal layout. You should ensure that the poster can be clearly read by a viewer standing in front of a printed version.
Pay attention to issues of layout, whitespace, and clarity. Remember that the largest image displayed on a page is that which draws the most attention from the viewer. Respecting that hierarchy of design will allow you to communicate clearly with the viewer.
Many students create their posters in PowerPoint or another slide-based presentation software by creating a single slide and customizing the size to 11β x 17.β Other options include Miro, Gimp, Adobe, and Canva.
Include your name on your poster.
Grading Criteria
Clear and appropriate historical sources that supports your argument about your image: 20%
Relevant, correct, and logical text: 30%
Carefully organized and presented information: 25%
Argument or story of poster is clear to the viewer through text and images: 25%