Claflin Explain what your college’s mascot is and its history. Claflin university mascot

If you want to have a well-structured expository essay, be sure that it is strongly recommended to come up with a clear expository essay outline. Check out the following template:

1. Introductory paragraph. Begin your introductory paragraph with a strong and clear thesis statement. Provide a catchy introduction that hooks the attention of your readers with three (3) specific details (IMPACT POINTS) WHICH ARE about the topic…You MUST PROVIDE Scholarly Sources with Citations to Valid your data and what your paper is about. 

2.  Develop the body of paragraph one with a topic sentence that relates to the first aspect of the specific details (IMPACT POINTS) mentioned in the thesis statement. Afterward, provide supporting details and clear examples. Finish the body paragraph with a closing sentence – it should analytically summarize what you have discussed in the body paragraph.

3. Do the same for body paragraph two.

4. Do the same for body paragraph three and the rest of body paragraphs (if you have them depending on the paper length).

5. Provide a conclusion. You need to reiterate the thesis statement without repeating it in the same words. Remember that you are not allowed to introduce any new points in the conclusion. Make sure all the points you have discussed throughout the essay are connected with a common subject and universal theme.


Claflin College

1. Explain what your college’s mascot is and its history.

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