This field experience will provide practical experience and modeled application regarding how teachers make cross-curricular connections with their students, as well as explicit information about designing and implementing instruction and assessments aligned to curricular goals, standards, and learning objectives. You will be exposed to differentiation dependent on class or individual student needs.
Allocate at least 5 hours in the field to complete this field experience.
Observe a lesson presented by a certified K-8 classroom teacher for a minimum of one hour. During the lesson, use the “COE Lesson Plan Template” to map the teacher’s instruction. Particularly note the standards and objectives addressed during the lesson, how the teacher differentiates to meet student needs, as well as any cross-curricular connections.
Following your observation, outside of classroom hours, review your notes on the lesson plan and discuss the following with the teacher you observed. Add any pertinent information to your notes, such as:
- What is the teacher’s pre-planning process? How do they ensure their lesson plan activities are aligned to state standards?
- What were some strategies the teacher used to establish curricular goals? How did students know what their curricular goals were?
- How were cross-curricular connections considered? If none were observed, discuss this with the mentor teacher.
- How did the teacher assess student understanding before, during, and after the lesson? How are formative and summative assessments used for instructional planning and within the classroom?
- How is instruction differentiated to meet students’ learning needs? What factors are taken into consideration when differentiating learning activities?
- What opportunities allow each student to demonstrate acquired knowledge and skills through a variety of products and performances ?
- How were home extension activities determined?
Use any remaining field experience hours to assist the teacher in providing instruction and support to the class.
Write a 500-750 word reflection summarizing your observations and discussion with your mentor teacher. Explain how you will use your findings in your future professional practice.
Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide.