Clinical Issues in Marriage & Family Therapy Literature Review Topic (impact of infidelity)

Topic Selection: Impact of Infidelity 

  1. Article Review:
     Locate and review seven peer-reviewed journal articles related to your chosen topic. These articles should be current (preferably published within the last 10 years) and provide diverse perspectives or findings on the issue.

  2. Synthesis and Analysis: Synthesize the information from the articles into a coherent review. Analyze the major themes, trends, and findings. Discuss any conflicting results, gaps in the literature, and the implications for clinical practice in marriage and family therapy.

  3. Structure: Your literature review should include:

    • Introduction: Introduce your topic, its relevance, and the purpose of the literature review.
    • Literature Review: Summarize and synthesize the findings from the seven articles. Organize the review thematically or chronologically, depending on what best suits your topic.
    • Discussion: Analyze the implications of the findings for clinical practice. Discuss any gaps or limitations in the literature and suggest areas for future research.
    • Conclusion: Summarize the key points of your review and restate the importance of the topic in marriage and family therapy.
  4. Formatting: Follow APA 7th edition guidelines for formatting, citations, and references. Ensure your paper is 8-10 pages in length, not including the title and reference pages.

Criteria Excellent (9-10 points) Good (7-8 points) Satisfactory (5-6 points) Needs Improvement (3-4 points) Poor (0-2 points)
Introduction Clear, engaging introduction with a well-defined topic and purpose. Clear introduction with a defined topic and purpose. Introduction present but lacks clarity or focus. Introduction present but unclear, unfocused, or off-topic. Little to no introduction; topic and purpose not clear.
Literature Review Thorough and insightful synthesis of all seven articles; well-organized. Good synthesis of seven articles; organized clearly. Synthesis of articles is present but may lack depth or organization. Limited synthesis of articles; poorly organized. Minimal or no synthesis of articles; lack of organization.
Analysis Deep analysis of themes, trends, and implications; identifies gaps well. Adequate analysis of themes and implications; identifies some gaps. Basic analysis with limited depth; some gaps identified. Minimal analysis; gaps in the literature not well-identified. Little to no analysis; fails to identify gaps in the literature.
Discussion Insightful discussion of clinical implications and future research areas. Good discussion of clinical implications and future research areas. Basic discussion of clinical implications; may lack future research areas. Minimal discussion of clinical implications; future research areas lacking. Little to no discussion of clinical implications or future research areas.
Conclusion Strong summary of key points; reinforces the importance of the topic. Clear summary of key points; restates the importance of the topic. Basic summary; may not fully restate the importance of the topic. Weak summary; does not effectively restate the importance of the topic. Little to no summary; fails to restate the importance of the topic.
APA Formatting and References Perfect APA formatting and referencing. Minor errors in APA formatting or referencing. Some errors in APA formatting or referencing. Numerous errors in APA formatting or referencing. Incorrect or missing APA formatting and referencing.
Length and Structure Meets the 8-10 page requirement; well-structured and coherent. Meets the 8-10 page requirement; mostly well-structured and coherent. Slightly under or over the page requirement; some structural issues. Significantly under or over the page requirement; lacks structure. Does not meet the page requirement; poorly structured.

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