Cochineal Beetles and health issues making people have health issues having to create a warning label

Write 1-2 paragraph about why you chose the major (communications), This is noit a personal memo write it in 3rd person; Answer the following; Define and describe your chosen professional field (communications), including notable subdiscipline. Define any larger disciplines your field of study is a part of, or fields that work closely with your field. Describe important ways your field of study contributes to society. Identify and describe some careers available in your field of study, especially the career(s) related to your critical issue. Describe in some detail the specific ways those careers are connected to your critical issue.

Next please go into depth about the critical issue of Beetles being used for the die in alc;
This section should be at least 200 words (1-3 paragraphs). Do not write in first person (i.e. ‘The critical issue I have chosen to cover is…’). Academic writing is formal and should be done in third person (ex: ‘Zika virus is major concern for the southern states because…’) Things to include: Define the critical issue. Some general examples of critical issues: an impediment to progress a threat to humanity or the environment a long-standing goal for advancing the field or human society a major challenge that was overcome Discuss its importance to your field of study Describe how your featured insect has influenced the issue How is your insect part of the problem or part of the solution? Discuss any controversy or opposing viewpoints surrounding the issue
Next please describe the Insect (beetle used); This section should be at least 300 words (2-3 paragraphs). Do not write in first person (i.e. ‘The insect I have chosen to feature is…’). Academic writing is formal and should be done in third person (ex: ‘The mosquito plays a critical role in the spread of Zika virus…’) Things to include: Specify your insect to the family, genus, or species level Describe the biology of your featured insect: Taxonomy Order and family, genus (if applicable) and scientific name (if applicable) Physical description (of all life stages) Range, habitat and diet Life cycle Interesting behaviors (ex: reproduction, feeding, social) Include info that is relevant to your critical issue. 
For this next section it will be including beetles and human connection; This section should be 3-5 paragraphs. Do not write in first person (i.e. ‘I am so annoyed by mosquitoes, I find it hard to believe they serve any useful purpose…’) Academic writing is formal and should be done in third person (ex: ‘Beyond being a nuisance to all of human kind, mosquitoes are…) Things to include: Analyze the relationship between entomology, technology and society as highlighted by your critical issue Analyze the role of entomology and technology in shaping diverse fields; discuss how various aspects of society are affected by this issue and by entomology as a function of this issue Articulate a critical perspective on how entomology and technology interact to address issues faced by society and/or how technology developed by other fields contributes to the study of entomology
The next section will just be the introduction; Things to include: Use a creative ‘hook’ to grab your reader’s attention Identify your project theme and explain why your reader should care about it Provide a brief road map of your project so your reader knows what he/she can expect to learn Higher quality introductions will not do this explicitly, but with nuance.

If you would prefer to just send this too me in section i would prefer that as well as i have to mke a website with it as well. Thank you, cheers!

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