The paper will need a thesis that clearly states the main argument(s) of your paper in answer to the question.
The paper will need to be at least 4 pages double spaced with 12 Times New Roman Font and no more than 6 pages double spaced with 12 Times New Roman Font. 5 points will be deducted for every half page under the minimum page requirement, and 5 points will be deducted for every page over 6 pages.
Please note that 4 pages means 4 full pages of text. Title pages, titles, names, and other such information as well as the bibliography do not count toward the page count.
You are required to format the paper using Chicago-Style bibliography-note formatting (use footnotes, not endnotes). Footnotes should be single spaced and in 10 Times New Roman Font. Please see Formatting Guidelines and Resources for the Final Paper (next page).
You don’t need to provide footnotes for the textbook and lectures. You only need to provide footnotes citations for outside sources. However, though you should keep quotes from the textbook and lectures to bare minimum, if you do use quotes from the textbook or lectures, be sure to indicate where the quotes are from by saying something like, “According to the book …” or “According to lecture 4,…”
You must use at least four outside sources (books, articles, or primary sources). If you do use outside sources other than those available via Troy University’s databases or books, only use those found through the Recommended Resources for the Final Paper.