compare and contrast George Frideric Handel’s aria Lascia ch’io pianga from the opera Rinaldo with Billie Eilish’s When the Party’s Over



Project Description

This project takes the form of a paper produced by a team of students. It is based on the analyzing, comparing, and contrasting of two pieces of music (a piece from Western Art Music culture and a piece from any other culture such as pop, commercial, world music, etc.). The task will focus on the analysis of elements (historical, musical, and social), and the discovering of potential links. The paper will also allow students to develop team- working skills.


The Pieces

 Students will select two pieces to be compared and contrasted. One of them must belong to the Western Art Music culture (“Classical Music”) and other could come from any other culture. The choice is free with the following requirements:


Western Art Piece

  • Lascia ch’io pianga, by George Frideric Handel (1711) EmfEPWsNon-Classical piece

Non-Classical piece

When the Party’s Over, by Billie Eilish (2018)


Sections of the Paper Title (Cover Page)

This must include the title of the project, the titles of the pieces to be analyzed, and name of the members of the team


Abstract / Introduction

 In this section, students should briefly describe their pieces, the methods used to analyze them, the main findings of the analysis, and potential links found between the compositions. This section should not be longer than 200 words.



 It will consist of three sections:


  1. Historical/Contextual Elements

Teams will provide relevant information of the historical/contextual elements surrounding the compositions. These include but are not limited to: characteristics of the style, historical period, information about composers, performers, etc.

  1. Musical Analysis

Students will analyze the pieces focusing on at least two of the following elements: melody, rhythm, harmony/mode, texture, tempo, articulation, dynamics, and instrumentation.

Students must analyze the form of the pieces providing charts of the different sections (as those used in class in the “Classical Period”) including the following information: location (timings) of the sections, description of the musical elements in the different sections arguments to justify the form (sections, and labeling of the different sections).


3.Social Impact

Students will conjecture about the role of these pieces in society. In the case of pieces that are not contemporary, the teams will analyze the role of the pieces in their respective time and in current society.


Comparison/Contrasting of the Pieces

 In this section students will develop their compare/contrast component of the project, establishing possible links (historical, musical or social) between the two analyzed pieces.



 Final thoughts where the team will consider the implications of the analysis made.



Students need to indicate their sources (at least 5 printed/published sources).




Overall page layout

  • One-inch margins on sides, top and bottom.
  • Use Calibri or Times New Roman 12 pt font.
  • Double-space the text of the paper.
  • Use left-justified text, which will have a ragged right edge. Do not use fully (newspaper-style) justified text.
  • Use a 1/2″ indent for paragraph beginnings, block quotes and hanging (bibliography) indents.
  • Number the pages in the bottom center of the paper, beginning with the first page of text. It’s a good idea to include your group number as well, in case pages become separated. Number straight through from the first text page to the final bibliography page but do not count any pages after the end of the text as part of your page count.


Cover page

  • Center the title of your paper in the middle of the page, halfway down and write it in ALL CAPS.
  • Center and underline your group number directly under the title, followed by the names of the members of your group in alphabetical order.
  • Your teacher’s name, course title and block, and date should be written in three lines and centered at the bottom of the page.
  • Use Calibri or Times New Roman 12 pt font for the title page. Do not try to make your cover page

decorative by using bold, underline, or creative fonts outside of what is prescribed.

  • Do not put a page number on the cover page. Select “Use different first page” in Microsoft Word.

Assemble your paper in the following order

  • Cover/title page
  • Body of the paper
  • Bibliography

Names and numbers

  • Use full names of people and agencies/legislation the first time you use them. For agencies, include the

acronym in parentheses after the full name when first used, e.g. Federal Emergency Relief

Administration (FERA).

  • After the first time you can refer to people by their last name or agencies/bills by their acronyms for the

rest of the paper.

  • Write out numbers lower than 100. (“All nine members of the Supreme Court…”)


  • Footnotes go at the bottom of the page where the reference occurs.
  • Within the essay text: put the note number at the end of the sentence where the reference occurs,

even if the cited material is mentioned at the beginning of the sentence.

  • The note number goes after all other punctuation.
  • Be sure to use Arabic numerals (1, 2, 3) not Roman (i, ii, iii).
  • Use Calibri or Times New Roman 10 pt font.
  • Single space each entry.
  • Never reuse a number – use a new number for each reference, even if you have used that reference


  • Be sure to look at shortened form examples for sources you refer to more than once.
  • To cite multiple sources in a single note, separate the two citations with a semicolon. Never use two note numbers at the end of a sentence.



  • Your bibliography should go on a separate page, with the word Bibliography in ALL CAPS centered at the

top of the page in Calibri or Times New Roman 12 pt font. Do not use bold or large size font for the


  • Be sure to use proper formatting – note and bibliography styles are different.
  • Use a “hanging indent” – the first line of the citation begins at the margin, subsequent lines are indented.
  • If your source has no author, alphabetize by title within the authors – don’t make a separate list.

Watch out for these common errors/Final Thoughts:

  • Note format uses first name last name, bibliography uses last name, first name.
  • In your notes, do not reuse numbers! Each citation gets a new number.
  • A bibliography goes in alphabetical order by author (or title if there is no author). Notes are numbered

and are listed in the order the sources are used.

  • Don’t put Works Cited at the top of your bibliography – that is MLA style.
  • Please use academic relevant sources. Online sources are allowed but students should consult at least

five printed sources.

  • In case you use online sources try to stay with academically sound sources such as The Grove/Oxford

Music Online (available at the UTA Databases:, the Encyclopædia Britannica (, or Virginia Tech Music Dictionary Online (

  • The paper must follow The Chicago Manual of Style (relevant in the case of quotations, footnotes, endnotes, abbreviations, etc.). In case of doubt, contact the UTA Writing Center (
  • The paper must adhere to the guidelines of the UTA Academic Integrity (
  • The paper should not be an exercise in ‘copying and pasting’. No more than 10% of direct quotations will be allowed in the paper. Beyond this point, there will be an impact on the assessment.

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