Compare and contrast the two named characters in Fajardo Anstines “Sabrina and Corina.” How are they close? What created the chasm in their relationship? What factors influenced their differing trajectories. In what ways do both their trajectories align

  • You MUST use quotations and plot summaries to support your ideas. Integrate all quotes into your discussion effectively by contextualizing them (explaining what was going on in the plot line when the quote appeared), introducing them, and by making them work with your sentence structure. Cite all quotes with parenthetical reference
  • Do not rehash the plot – organize your essay by idea, not by order of events in the story. I am not looking for a summary of the events as they took place in the story; I am looking for your ideas or thoughts pertaining to those events. Think critically and write effectively.
  • Remember that this is a persuasive paper; you must not only cite evidence from the story to support your claims, but also explain HOW those citations illustrate your point.
  • When referring to the author of a literary work, never use the author’s first name only. It is common to refer to authors by just their last names, as in the following: Faulkner’s “A Rose for Emily”. . .
  • When referring to action in the story, always use the present tense 
  • Don’t forget to title your essay. Create an interesting title (don’t use the title of the story!), Put quotation marks around the title of the short story, but not around your title (don’t underline or boldface it either).
  • In the introduction, you should make reference to the title and author of the work you will be discussing. Also, it’s a good idea to include a thesis statement in your introduction that indicates the direction and organization of your essay:
    • Double space entire essay
    • 12 font 
    • Title is centered and not bolded – a creative title could receive up to 5 extra credit points.  I choose at least one title for each paper.
    • Indent every paragraph using the Tab key on keyboard
    • Do not skip lines between paragraphs
    • Review your format to ensure it is correct.  Do you have a “Works Cited Page”, have the proper heading, paginate?


      Literary Analysis A
      Literary Analysis A
      Criteria Ratings Pts
      Title and Introduction

      15 pts

      The essay has an interesting and creative title centered at the top of the page. The essay begins with an attention getter and introduces both the title and author of the work. The introduction provides a brief plot summary and/or necessary background. The introduction ends with a clear thesis statement that succinctly introduces the main argument and hints at the essay’s organization.

      12 pts

      Meets Expectations
      The essay has a title, although the title may not be especially creative. The essay may not have an effective attention getter and/or may not provide necessary background. The introduction ends with a thesis statement that introduces the main idea.

      9 pts

      Needs Improvement
      The essay may not have a title. The analysis may not begin with a thesis statement; if it does begin with a thesis, it has a thesis that does not adequately introduce the main argument of the paper.
      15 pts
      Analysis and Reflection

      25 pts

      The purpose of explaining meaning is achieved, thereby deepening the reader’s understanding of the work or works.

      20 pts

      Meets Expectation
      The writing offers some new insight into the work or related works, but the analysis may not consistently use support from the work to the extent needed to clarify main points, or it may unnecessarily retell the work.

      15 pts

      Needs Improvement
      The writing does not deepen the reader’s understanding of the work or related works. Summary or evaluation may be substituted for analysis.
      25 pts
      Grammar, Mechanics, Documentation

      20 pts

      Follows standard practices in spelling, punctuation, and grammar with few errors; consistently follows MLA documentation guidelines

      16 pts

      Meets Expectation
      Contains some errors in sentences structure, grammar, and mechanics, but those errors do not interfere with the writer’s ability to communicate purpose; adequately follows MLA documentation guidelines although some errors may exist

      12 pts

      Needs Improvement
      Contains pervasive errors in sentence structure, grammar and mechanics that DO interfere with the writer’s ability to communicate purpose; does NOT follow MLA documentation guidelines accurately
      20 pts

      20 pts

      Provides ample textual support for all claims

      16 pts

      Meets Expectation
      Provides sufficient textual support for most claims

      12 pts

      Needs Improvement
      If support is offered, the support is weak and/or inaccurate
      20 pts

      10 pts

      Essay is easy to follow and understand. Introduction introduces main argument; body expertly explains/supports the thesis, and the conclusion brings the essay to a satisfactory close.

      8 pts

      Meets Expectation
      For the most part, the essay is organized in a logical way although some parts may be out of place

      6 pts

      Needs Improvement
      The essay is disorganized to the extent that it prevents understanding.
      10 pts

      10 pts

      The conclusion leaves the reader with a question, a quotation, a fresh insight, or another memorable impression and summarizes the thesis in different words.

      8 pts

      Meets Expectation
      The conclusion brings the analysis to a satisfactory close.

      6 pts

      Needs Improvement
      The conclusion may be weak, repetitive, or missing. The essay may end abruptly.
      10 pts
      Total Points: 100

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