What you need to do:
Knowledge of the heart’s anatomy is critical for learning cardiovascular physiology. This week youwill use the sheep heart from the lab supply kit you received from UAS Sitka to study heartanatomy. In addition to the dissection directions in your lab manual, there are many good YouTube videos, including tutorials on the HUsurface anatomy of the heartUH, the HUinterior anatomy of the heartUH,and some great dissection tutorials (HUVideo tutorial of sheep dissectionUH and a link HUwalking throughthe dissection).UH Students are encouraged to work together for the dissections but unique submission for each one is expected.
You are responsible for knowing the location of each of the following structures. Students will berequired to identify structures on dissected hearts on the Unit 1 exam.
q pericardial sac (or fat ifsac is not present)
q superior vena cava
q Epicardium, Myocardium*,Endocardium*
q inferior vena cava (ifpresent)
q right auricle
q left atrium*
q left auricle
q right atrium*
q aorta
q left ventricle*
q pulmonary trunk
q right ventricle*
q aortic & pulmonary semi-lunar valves*
q right & left AV valve*
q papillary muscles*
q chordae tendineae*
q interventricular septum*
q base & apex of heart
*Locatedintheinterior of theheart chambers, heart wall, orbest visualized followingsectioning
What you need to turn in:
Dissect the heart as directed in your lab manual/ my recorded demo, and take pictures of theheart/structures using the above list as a reference of required structures. Import & label imagesin MS power-point after you have worked as a group to dissect the heart and identify the
structures. Submit photos & answers to questions below in one Power-Point presentation, with cover slide and references.
1. Instructions for dissection are found in your laboratory manual.
2. Try to keep your project neat and organized. Include as many pictures, use the probe to show which vessel is going in which direction, with labeled anatomical structure of theheart.
3. Answer “Supplement Questions” below and submit embedded in your PPT presentationon a slide.
4. Power-Point must be submitted on Blackboard; please follow directions for submissionlocated in Blackboard.
Supplement Questions: You must include the answers to these questions in your Power-Point that issubmitted on Blackboard. I would suggest making a very simple data table to present your wallthickness calculations.
1.) There are observed myocardial wall thickness differences between chambers of the heart. Whatwould be your hypothesis that may explain this observation?
Use the following relationships for questions 2 & 3:
5.) Is the blood volume ejected from the right ventricle the same as the volume of blood ejected fromthe left ventricle during ventricular contraction? Explain your answer completely
Submission Directions:
Summaryof Exercises: These images must me clearly and correctly labeled to receive fullpoints; this means that you circle or highlight the entire structure so it is clear to me youunderstand the boundaries of an anatomical structure.
1. Import all imagesintoMSPower-Point andcreate a slide for each of the images youcaptured during your dissection.
2. On each slide, use the drawing features in ppt. They are relatively easy to use; Isuggest using text boxes, arrows, and bubbles/circles. Be very careful when labeling to ensure the
correct structuresare identified and that the entire structure is highlighted using drawingtools.
4. Youmust put a very short written description of the function of each of the structures(UexampleU: aortic semilunar valve prevents the backflow of blood as left ventricle pressure decreases during diastole of the chamber). Descriptions should be in complete sentence form and thoughtful.