Conduct a PsycINFO search, and write an annotated bibliographyLinks to an external site. on any of the disorders discussed thus far. What research is being conducted?
- Find 3-4 articles published within 5 years from peer-reviewed journals.
- Provide an annotated bibliographyLinks to an external site. of each article. (Click on the link if you are unsure what an an annotated bibliography in APA format looks like.)
- Write a 4-6 page paper, not including the Title page and the Reference page about your findings. Be clear what your thesis statement is, and provide samples from the articles to support your thesis statement. Your concluding paragraph should include a summary of your thesis statement and your own thoughts about your research findings.
- Provide a Title page in APA format.
- Double-spaced, Times New Roman, 12-point font
- In-text citations should align with the references provided.
- Provide a Reference page in APA format.