Edit my paper. Go into great detail on how does it make you feel without using first person.
Essay follows:
The scale of Soviet Socialist Realist architecture was grandiose, and it appeared powerful and permanent when using neoclassical styles. Towers and columns soared toward the heavens, reflecting industrialization and the power of this new socialist society. Wide boulevards and symmetrical plans focused on order and control. These buildings were designed to awe and leave viewers in no doubt about the majesty and power of the Soviet state. They depicted a picture of an advanced modern nation that had gone beyond capitalism into the perfect socialist future. So, the rigid symmetry and repetition of forms could also seem suffocating. The buildings usually lack any ornamentation or unique architectural detail; instead, they tend to be uniform in their appearance, giving them a cold and machine-like quality (Thomann, 2020). Their scale underscored the subordination of the individual to a larger power looming over them. This vision of dehumanization and the absence of liberty in the name of progress evoked different feelings. On the one hand, architecture was an expression of pride for industrial and technological development.
It is, therefore, fair to conclude that Soviet Socialist Realist architecture strived for equilibrium between inspiration and control. Its grand scale and use of neoclassical styles signifying power, progress, and the strength of socialist society enabled it to create an idealized vision that was supposed to awe viewers with pride for their Soviet Union’s industrial might modernity. However, its rigidness to identical designs and focus on symmetry and order poses the risk of becoming oppressive. It could have both awe of the future socialist condition depicted and isolation in the face. For instance, the lack of individuality in architecture is coupled with annihilation. There would be an overwhelming feeling that every object is subject to the reality created by this omnipresent state. The feeling invoked by these architectural styles was an intricate interaction of hope and fear.
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