Besides using your textbook, students are required to utilize at least one other outside scholarly source to answer their chosen question.
Length: At least 750 words, not counting citations or the title page.
Images: At least one image must be placed in the document, with a caption and citation or URL to its webpage.
Format: The title page should have a title that indicates the student’s own thesis, along with the student name, date and course name. The chosen “Think About It” question must be placed in quotation marks (” “) above the first paragraph of the essay with an in-text citation to its page number in the book.
Organization: The essay requires an introduction that indicates the student’s thesis statement; body paragraphs with one topic per paragraph; as well as a conclusion that sums up the main points.
Citation Style: APA.
Document Style: MS Word (.doc or .docx) or .rtf.