Presentation 1-Evaluation of a President
Presentation 1 – Evaluating a President
Due – Saturday, April 13th 11:59 pm
Construct a mini documentary evaluating a recent president in one of three mediums
Video – 3 to 6 minutes. If you use video clips, each should not be more than 1 minute, and you should include at least 2 minutes of original video (yourself)
PowerPoint Slide Show with audio with at least 12 distinct slides (not counting the first and end slides)
A Storyboard in Word at least 6 pages, be sure to use graphics (photos, charts, diagrams, etc.) and explain each in context of the evaluative model. Each graphic should occupy no more than a third of a page.
Step 1 – Choose one and only one recent president, Bill Clinton, G.W. Bush, Barack Obama, Donald Trump, or Joe Biden.
Step 2 – Choose one of the presidential evaluation models discussed in class and in the readings, Robert Dallek’s Key to Success, James David Barbar’s Presidential Character, and Stephen Skowronek’s Realignment Model, and apply it to your chosen president. This will require some research to understand the character of the president. It might be useful to see how Barber or Skowronek evaluates the president in question.
Step 3 – Gather up, pictures, graphs, quotes from your studied president, videos, blogs, etc.
Step 4 – Write out a dialogue of what you want to say in your documentary.
Step 5 – Assemble all your material into a mini-documentary—Video, PowerPoint Audio Slide Show, or Story Board. Please indicate if you would like to share your mini-documentary (during the Zoom class or place in CANVAS) or if you prefer that only the instructor views your documentary. It is important use one of the models we discussed.
Step 6 – Have fun with this project!