Corporate Infrastructure vulnerability assesment options and their implementations

In the field of security technology, it often happens that pre-assembled security systems do not meet the average needs of a company. Either they include features that no longer provide adequate protection against attacks or omit features that are fundamental to defending against modern threats. The student’s task is to assess these known software packages and examine their shortcomings in terms of protection against modern attacks. Furthermore, they should recommend well-known software to cover the missing features or replace outdated elements. Implementation in a virtualized environment should also be addressed. Mapping and testing methods suitable for vulnerability assessment. Assembling a package that includes an intrusion detection and prevention system. Monitoring traffic between two ports and analyzing the resulting measurements. The thesis should include:

Examination and comparison of known security packages,

Identification of security package deficiencies against certain types of attacks,

Exploration of alternative applications,

Creation of a sample environment for testing attacks,

Demonstration of the implementation of key security systems within the virtual environment,

Analysis of measurement results and drawing conclusions.

Please help me with instructions also regarding setting up the test environment and provide me with detailed explanation.

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