- The detailed instructions for this assignment can be found in the assessment instructions file.
- This assignment required accounting calculations based on the annual reports of the companies within the assignment as well as from the data provided within it.
- Calculations need to be attached into an appendix
- CORE approach:
- Context: refers to understanding the environment in which the business operates, the market, the competitors, how it does business, its strategic objectives etc.
- Overview: a quick look at the key trends over the last 3-5 years.
- Ratios: uses the technique of ratio analysis to obtain a more detailed insight into the company performance, its financial structure and its financial position.
- Evaluation: uses the ratios and contextual analysis to understand what we want to find out about the finances of the business
- The reports for the Fevertree and Nichols are attached but if need be can and should be supplemented with additional sources as outlined in the assignment instructions.
- Use Harvard Referencing Style
- Use a minimum of 10 Sources but can be more