Your job is to prepare a 5-6 minute presentation on your argumentative essay with an accompanying Powerpoint presentation. When you have concluded your presentation, you will field two questions by students who have been assigned to your presentation. You must email them one (at minimum) empirical source to support them in creating a well-informed question on your topic at least 24 hours in advance of your presentation. The due date for the presentation is before the class slot you are presenting in.
Note: you will have access to presenter view in your PowerPoint (i.e., you can see your notes) and I will bring a clicker in case you wish to use that to move through the presentation (or just to have something to hold). I will also try to get a lectern to give you some different presentation options.
This was the first assignment to go with this one you are to provide empirical evidence to support your assertion and to defend it against any counterarguments. You will ultimately use this outline to support your argumentative presentation later in the semester.
For your outline, you should indicate what your argument or topic is and provide three pillars to support your argument. Under each, you should indicate what evidence you have to support this. This can all be done in bullet point format. Your outline should be between 300-450 words, not including your title page and references, which should be provided on separate pages in APA format.
but i changed my topic so my empirical articles no longer work for my topic. So you will have to find new academic articles to support the argument which is Why All Inmates Should Receive Mandatory Mental Health counseling when Incarcerated. I want one of my supporting arguments to be that even inmates who go in the system with no mental health issues, when they leave they are more at risk to experience it so its proactive to help when they are in prison.