Compose a meticulously researched and impeccably written position paper on behalf of Canada for an upcoming Model United Nations conference. Your paper should address two critical agendas:
1. Delve into the imperative task of implementing boundaries to curb the weaponization of Artificial Intelligence, aiming to mitigate potential risks to civilians.
2. Scrutinize the ramifications of unsupervised acquisition of Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMDs).
Each agenda section should be concise, spanning no more than one and a half pages, rich in historical context, well-researched data, and insightful proposals. Your position paper should exhibit a deep understanding of the issues at hand, showcasing Canada’s unique perspective, historical interactions with the topics, and proactive policy suggestions.
Your task is to craft a compelling narrative that demonstrates Canada’s intellectual prowess, portraying the sophistication of a writer with a master’s degree and a keen intellect. Ensure to incorporate references from reputable sources, solidifying the credibility and reliability of your arguments. Ultimately, your position paper should captivate the attention of the conference chairs, affirming Canada’s diplomatic finesse and commitment to global security.