Create a 12- to 16-slide multimedia-rich PowerPoint with detailed speaker notes to present to the company executives. In your presentation:

Create a 12- to 16-slide multimedia-rich PowerPoint with detailed speaker notes to present to the company executives. In your presentation:

  • Summarize the importance of securing data in SCM, CRM, and ERP models/systems.
  • Provide 2 examples of security threats that could harm each type of model/system: SCM, CRM, and ERP.
  • Define the consequences to ABC Company of security breaches into these models/systems (consider customer, financial, reputational, and legal aspects).
  • Describe 2 types of security measures that could mitigate the threats you identified to each model/system: SCM, CRM, and ERP.
  • Define dependencies the company must resolve to protect these models/systems (e.g., staff, training, budget, executive support, customer awareness, communication).


Include appropriate images and charts to support your analysis. Audio is encouraged.

NOTE: Use of Speaker Notes is required. Do not overload slides with text. Font sizes on slides should be at least 24 points for headings and 18 points for body text. Think bullet points and key words.

Multimedia presentations should engage the audience and the speaker should support the visuals with content read from the Speaker’s Notes.

Cite all resources used according to APA guidelines. Include a separate written sheet of references in APA format.

Format citations according to APA guidelines.

Format a minimum of three references according to APA guidelines.

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