Create a product design and a service design within an operations management environment.

The design process in an operations management environment is critical for the efficient use of resources. Design thinking is a creative and iterative process that involves empathizing with the end users, defining the problem, ideating potential solutions, prototyping, and testing.


In this assignment, you will apply critical thinking to the application of designing a product, service, and facility in an informative essay with a minimum of three full pages in which you specifically address the parts listed below. Make sure to include separate title and reference pages, use standard paragraph structure, double spacing, 12-point Times New Roman font, and follow all other current APA style guidelines. Conduct research from credible peer-reviewed sources, the Library, and your textbook to support your responses. Three references are required for the assignment.

You can select an operations management environment of your choosing; however, ensure it is realistic and real-world applicable, reflecting good judgment, business sense, and critical thinking skills. Consider the following topics and follow the instructions below, remembering to complete all parts of the assignment.


Operations management has two main perspectives: production and services. Designing a product and designing a service are work efforts with similarities and differences. Product design will introduce you to concepts including benchmarking, reverse engineering, computer-aided design (CAD), failure mode effects analysis (FMEA), and the environmental concern of carbon footprint. Service design will introduce you to concepts that include specification, service blueprint, queue, goods, and phases. You will learn that most work falls somewhere on the spectrum of production and services and that many career tasks combine these work efforts.

Product Design

Create a product design within an operations management environment, using real-world research to support your work. Your task is to design a sustainable packaging solution in either (beverage, pharmaceutical, or frozen foods) that reduces waste and promotes environmentally responsible behavior. The packaging should be functional, visually appealing, and eco-friendly. It is important to incorporate the product design steps that can be found on page 167.

Service Design

Create a service design within an operations management environment using real-world research to support your work. Your task is to design a mobile banking app that is user-friendly, efficient, and secure. The app should allow users to perform various banking tasks, such as checking account balances, transferring funds, and paying bills. It is important to incorporate the service design steps that can be found on page 203.


  • A written paper that analyzes sustainable packaging solutions from a product design perceptive, developing a mobile banking app from a service design perspective, and designing a manufacturing facility from a facility design standpoint.

Learn: Reading and Research

Read the following chapters in your textbook:

Chapter 4: “Product Design”

Chapter 5: “Service Design”

Competency Assessment

This Competency Assessment assesses the following outcome(s):

MT435M2-2: Create a product design and a service design within an operations management environment.

Design is an important aspect in business. As applied to operations management, this is primarily product design and service design, and in a supporting role, facility design.

In this assessment, you will apply critical thinking to the application of design to operations management in an informative essay.

You can select an operations management environment of your own choosing, however ensure it is realistic and real world applicable, reflecting good judgment, business sense, and critical thinking skills. Consider the following topics and follow the instructions below; remembering to complete all elements of your assessment:

Product Design and Service Design:

Product Design

Create a product design within an operations management environment, using real world research to support your work. At the beginning of your paper, introduce your planned work, to include a description of the elements of the product design that you selected to focus on, and how you plan to apply it to a real world scenario.

Service Design

Create a service design within an operations management environment, using real world research to support your work. At the beginning of your paper, introduce your planned work, to include a description of the elements of the service design, that you selected to focus on, and how you plan to apply it to a real world scenario.

Ensure each topic is covered to appropriate breadth and depth demonstrating knowledge of the module concept and critical thinking skills. It is highly recommended that each topic comprises one-and-a-half full pages of your 3-full pages of content. Any diagrams or design elements should take up no more than one-half page, allowing at a minimum a one-half page of narrative to accompany and demonstrate critical thinking skills related to the diagram or design element created as part of your Assessment.

REFERANCE: ROBERTA S. RUSSELL; BERNARD W. TAYLOR. Operations and Supply Chain Management. [N.p.]: Wiley, 2023. Disponível em: Acesso em: 18 dez. 2024.

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