Create an Annotated Bibliography on one of the classic arguments below in preparation for Essay

Prepare an Annotated Bibliography which shows four sources from the GMC Library’s English/Literature databases. 

Create an Annotated Bibliography on one of the classic arguments below in preparation for Essay 

David Foster Wallace, “Consider the Lobster” (ethics of food choices)


 Henry David Thoreau, “On the Duty of Civil Disobedience”


 Jonathan Swift, “A Modest Proposal”


Sojourner Truth, “Ain’t I a Woman?”


Tom Buchanan, “Why Do People Spread False Information Online?”


Tom Nichols, “How We Killed Expertise (and Why We Need it Back)”


  Thomas Jefferson, “The Declaration of Independence”


 Yascha Mounk “The Doom Spiral of Pernicious Polarization” (polarization in the U.S. due to politics and media sources)


 Choose an argument essay that resonates most with you from the linked essays above. Each annotation should be 200-300 words in length.

Identify three sources you may use in your final paper and write summaries for each source. You should write a 200-300 word summary for each source, so your final annotated bibliography is 600-900 words in length. Go to the GMC library and choose Library Guides. Scroll to find English / Literature. Use articles from Literary Reference Center or Literature Resource Center. To research works by Thoreau, Swift, Truth and Jefferson, you may also use appropriate materials from Library Guides / History. Remember that articles not found in the GMC library must contain a .doi number in the URL of the Works Cited entry. All articles used must also list an author’s name.

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