essay should be a CRITICAL essay
The base is to Compare
and contrast TWO of the editorial pieces and their complementary perspectives
and arguments along with the topic: an
examination of the Indian Act (1886) as it contributes to First Nations’
aspirations for autonomy within, or as equal partners, of the Canadian state
The two editorial
pieces are:
5 marks – an introduction describing why you have chosen your
editorial piece(s); a
clear indication of
what you want to accomplish; and the geographical context of the
topic, including any
constraints and challenges associated with the ecological
characteristics of the
5 marks – the quality of the research effort, including the
variety and substantive nature
of the various
resources, analysis and final conclusions of the final report. But
please do not rely
heavily on the editorial authors to support your own conclusions;
again, you are
responding to their concerns and arguments, not relying on them to
support your own
15 marks – fulfilling the focus and conditions of what you have
presented in your
introduction, including references to relevant
course materials and concepts.
5 marks – a substantive conclusion describing what you feel you
have achieved in your
report and a set of
recommendations for future consideration.
With the above in
mind, in the essay you must incorporate the recommendations
and conclusions of the
2015 Conference Board of Canada report “Building a Resilient
and Prosperous
North” to support or counter the arguments you make in your report, as
well as including relevant observations and
issues illustrated in the 2015 documentary
“After the Last