Find 10 peer reviewed articles in Google Scholar about MIndfulness and Self Compassion and their affects on well being, from 2018-now.
Critically review the 10 articles you found about Mindfulness and Self Compassion and their affects on wellbeing and demonstrate an awareness of current problems and or insights of positive psycology.
The paper must have:
1. Introduction to the main concept of mindfulness and theoritical background.
2. Lierature review of the 10 articles.
3. Citically evalute the literature( find similar or contradictory points). Discuss the findings instead of just describing them.
4. Implications. How are these findings useful? Do they have value? How can research and practice benefit from them?
5. Conclussion
6. Citations
About references use google scolar.
The articles are strictly after 2018.
It is a master but i dont want to be to difficult to understand your writing, a medium level wpould be fine. Thank You!