Critically discuss the relationship between national innovation and international trade

This question have to focus on critical discussion of theoretical constructs using academic
peer-reviewed articles. You should search for 15 a minimum of 15 relevant peer-reviewed
articles ( I already provided 8 ”please use them all as the fundamental of the essay” and you will need to find 7 more at least  (use only articles from the CABS/ABS list of ranked journals guide!!!!!!!, I attached an ABS qualify list)

Please give a very clear identification of the key concepts and theoretical foundation of the
research and its intellectual context, recognising clearly the relevant academic
literature on the effect of national innovation on international trade, FDI, global
business venture . Comprehensive review in scope and depth, and
excellent understanding of the topic and critical review of literature. Excellently
reflection of a deep understanding of the literature based on a good range of
materials and provision of an interesting analysis of a number of key sources. A
wide-ranging use of substantial evidence of critical thinking, synthesis and analytical
evaluation and critical discussion. Ability to make lots of interesting points and draw
on some interesting examples (evidence of appraisal and evaluation, clear critical
thinking). Conclusion – a comprehensive set of coherent, logically derived
conclusions supported by, and drawn directly from, the review and results of the
analysis undertaken. Demonstration of a novelty of the analytical approach. Complete
and consistent in-text referencing and list of references section.
You may discuss  ”Appraise the ethical and societal impacts of international marketing practices and
the roles and responsibilities of both consumers and firms.” as an outcome
Reduce the intro and conclusion as much as possible.

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