London. Your employer specialises in providing consultancy to innovative startup
businesses in London & widely the UK. Your manager wants you involved with one
of his four potential clients. and has asked you to write a marketing report on one
of the following companies:
1. BeZero Carbon –
2. Hamilton George Care –
3. PolyAI –
4. All Things Butter –
All the companies above have performed exhaustive primary and secondary
research on the UK market and have undertaken a detailed situation analysis (both
internal and external). All the above companies have current marketing strategies
and tactics in place in the UK.
Write a marketing REPORT on ONE of the above companies. You MUST only choose
from the above list, failure do so will carry a penalty
create a perceptual map.
justifications underpinned by taught academic theories and models.
and make your recommendations for the improvement of the promotions mix.
Academic skills – 10marks
Introduction, company profile and conclusion. Content of report to demonstrate
research, academic skill and integrity, and academic references.
Page 4 of 10
• Andrews, J. Shimp, T. (2017) Advertising, Promotion, and other Aspects of
Integrated Marketing Communications (10th edition), South West
• Chaffey, D. and Ellis-Chadwick, F. (2019) Digital marketing: strategy,
implementation and practice. Seventh edition. Harlow: Pearson Education.
• Kotabe, M. and Helsen, K. (2022) Global Marketing Management (9th
edition). Hoboken: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
• Kotler, P., Keller. K.L., Chernev, A. (2022) Marketing Management Global
Edition (16th edition), Harlow Essex: Pearson.
Academic Journal articles:
• Dash, G., Kiefer, K. and Paul, J. (2021) ‘Marketing-to-Millennials: Marketing
4.0, customer satisfaction and purchase intention’, Journal of business
research, 122, pp. 608–620. Available at:
• Lang, L.D., Lim, W.M. and Guzmán, F. (2022) ‘How does promotion mix
affect brand equity? Insights from a mixed-methods study of low
involvement products’, Journal of business research, 141, pp. 175–190.
Available at:
• Martínez-López, F.J., Anaya-Sánchez, R., Fernández Giordano, M. and
Lopez-Lopez, D. (2020) ‘Behind influencer marketing: key marketing
decisions and their effects on followers’ responses’, Journal of marketing
management, 36(7–8), pp. 579–607. Available at:
Lo1: Critically evaluate and give evidence of both past
and current marketing management concepts and
theories and critically evaluate the way in which
marketing theory relates to marketing practice.
LO2: Demonstrate knowledge of the role of marketing in
the growth of organisations with specific focus on the
marketing mix and its value in online and offline
L03: Construct marketing plans which reflect the latest
developments in environmental, social and governance
LO4: Analyse domestic and international markets and
produce affective marketing solutions in the forms of
strategies and tactical plans.