critically evaluate NIke’s branding strategy applying appropriate brand concepts and theories and discuss its future development

please write a report on nike’s current branding strategies, it should be structured like this. Also, please use visual diagrams where appropriate 

Intro (150 words)
Brand audit (1000 words) 
In this part, you should provide a critical evaluation of the brand and its current branding strategies.
You are expected to apply relevant theories / frameworks into practice and in a manner suitable to the
brand of your choice and its context. You should conduct both parts of brand audit: brand inventory and
a brand exploratory.
With regards to brand inventory, you should – verbally and visually – profile the product(s) and/or
service(s) of ‘Nike’ explaining how they are marketed and branded. When it comes
to the brand exploratory, your evaluation should be based on secondary research data gathered from
publicly available sources which should be appropriately referenced. 
At the end of this section, you should state clearly what is the problem that the brand faces, and/or the
opportunity that the brand should capitalise on. It is important to ‘place’ this problem and/or opportunity
on the Brand Equity Pyramid Model in order to provide solid foundation for the next part.
 Brand Development Strategy (1500 words
is important to start this part by stating the objectives of your brand development strategy. What are the
main objectives of your strategy? What will it try to achieve? You should make sure that you connect
these objectives with measurable and timely targets (for example: increase brand awareness by 10% in
6 months from launch of the campaign etc.). 
Based on market, competitive and company conditions, you are free to use appropriate concepts /
frameworks in order to develop a brand development strategy. Be innovative and creative while of
course explaining your recommendations in conjunction with the previous sections.
Please note that an emphasis should
be given on quality and depth of analysis instead of quantity and breadth of coverage of concepts /

Brand performance and metrics (around 450 words)
In this part, you should identify metrics that should be used to evaluate in the future the effectiveness
of your proposed brand development strategy. Thus, in this part, you should determine how you plan to
evaluate, in the future, whether or not your strategy has achieved the brand development objectives
(mentioned in the previous section), i.e. how you plan to assess whether or not the measurable and
timely targets have been achieved.
Conclusion (150 words)
In this final part, you should summarise your recommended strategy for the brand’s future development.  

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