Social Work and Substance abuseAnswer questions 1-51. How did you integrate research into your assignments?2. Why is it important to integrate research into social work practice in addictions?3. What are two positives and negatives to working in groups?4. How would you address each negative you gave as an example in working in a group at your job?5. Which assignment taught you the most and why?The development of a treatment plan is a process of engaging the client in their therapeutic process of healing. Treatment plans are individualized by using the client’s strengths in their personal journey toward recovery. When you align the treatment plan with the strengths, skills, and experiences of the client, the process of recovery will develop more organically. This week you will develop how to integrate assessment and the client’s strengths in the process of developing their treatment plan.During the week, please read through the following resources until you feel confident about the material:Learning about Treatment Planning
- Treatment Planning for Substance Use Disorders
- Principles of Drug Addiction Treatment: A Research-Based Guide (Third Edition)
- Substance Abuse Treatment Planning
- Treatment planning M.A.T.R.S.: Utilizing the Addiction Severity Index (ASI) to Make Required Data Collection Useful
Toolbox of methods and worksheets for use with clients
- SMART Recovery Toolbox
- Oxford Clinical Psychology Forms and Worksheets
- Matrix Model Early Recovery Skills Group Handouts
- Overcoming Your Alcohol or Drug Problem: Effective Recovery Strategies, Workbook (2 ed.): Building Recovery by Improving Goals, Habits, and Thoughts
Apps for Treatment
- reSET and reSET-O
- SoberTool
- WeConnect
- SMART Recovery Cost Benefit Analysis
- Hazelden Mobile Applications
- TIP 35: Enhancing Motivation for Change in Substance Abuse Treatment
- Behavioral Health/Substance Abuse Treatment Services Options
- Treatment and Recovery
- Residential Treatment for Individuals With Substance Use Disorders: Assessing the Evidence
- Counselor’s Treatment Manual for the Matrix
- Matrix Model Handbook for Clients
- Exploring the Matrix Model for Addictions Treatment video:
Captioned Video: “Exploring the Matrix Model for Addictions Treatment”Trauma Informed Care
Culturally Specific Treatment
Veteran Differences
- Using a Life Review to Inform Mental Health Services with Older Lesbian and Gay Veterans
- PTSD and Substance Abuse in Veterans
The Process of Treatment
- Week 4 Principles of Drug Addiction Treatment.pdf * Week 4 Principles of Drug Addiction Treatment.pdf * – Alternative Formats
- 12 Core Functions of a Substance Abuse Counselor
- Detoxification and Substance Abuse Treatment: How do you determine treatment?
- A Doctor Discusses Alchohol Withdrawl, Detox, and Treatment (video)
Relapse and Recovery
- Relapse and Recovery Support
- Chapter 5: Recovery, The Many Paths to Wellness
- Peer Support
- 12-Step Participation as a Pathway to Recovery: The Maryhaven Experience and Implications for Treatment and Research
12 Step ControversiesWhy some people swear by AA and other’s despise it Alcoholics Anonymous works for some people. A new study suggests the alternatives do too Podcasts
- Top 50 Recovery Podcasts (listen to two different podcasts of your choice)
- Chapter 4 Assessment Substance Abuse Treatment for Persons with Co-Occurring Disorders by U.S. Government
- The Bowen System and the Alcoholic/Addict Family
Diagnosis of Substance Abuse (The DSM-V has been updated to the DSM-TR. Please continue to use resources for the DSM-V for substance addictions since there were no significant changes to this area in the new edition, but remember to utilize the DSM V-TR for your reference.)
- DSM-5 Criteria for Substance Use Disorders: Recommendations and Rationale
- DSM-5 and the ethics of diagnosis
- Learn About Substances
- The Science of Drug Abuse and Addiction: The Basics
- Module 11: Substance-Related and Addictive Disorder
- Power Point-DSM 5 and its use by chemical dependency professionals
Dual Diagnosis
- Common Comorbidities with Substance Use Disorders
- International Consensus Statement on Screening, Diagnosis and Treatment of Substance Use Disorder Patients with Comorbid Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder
- Dual Diagnosis toolkit
- The Interaction of Co-Occurring Mental Disorders and Recovery Management Checkups on Substance Abuse
Trauma Informed Care
- Trauma Informed Care Trauma-Informed Approach
- Website List-Dual Diagnosis website with trainings and videos (Scroll down to dual diagnosis section)
Speech 10 – Dual Diagnosis Speed Round Captioned Video: “Speech 10 – Dual Diagnosis Speed Round”