Your task is to select an argument above and develop a paper to support your position. Use the two articles (dankin,2021a; dankin,2021b) as a guide in developing your paper but be sure to complete your own comprehensive research to develop your arguments. It is also recommended that you dedicate a portion of your paper to countering the antithesis to your argument that is provided above.
Papers should be approximately 5 pages, double-spaced. Please cite at minimum, your textbooks and 6 peer reviewed journal articles outside class-assigned readings
Dankin, k.j (2021a) Point: the black lives matter movement promotes awareness of institutionalized racism against blacks. Canadian points of view: black lives matter movement ,4-2
Dankin,k.j (2021b). Counterpoint: the black lives matter movement employs provocative positions that fuel anti-police sentiment. Canadian points of view: black lives matter movement, 5-2
Argument 30%
Research and evidence 30%
Analysis and critical thinking 20%
Mechanics of writing 20%