The goal of a synthesis paper is to bring ideas from many sources together: compare, contrast, and bring in your own ideas on the topic at hand. After researching and gathering information from several sources, you will organize your findings around a specific theme or question in a logical way while incorporating what you have learned with your own thoughts and opinions. In this way, a synthesis paper goes beyond a typical research paper where the focus may be to simply provide a summary, comparison, or review of a topic. Synthesis requires taking this one step further to integrate what you have learned from your research with your own ideas (as informed by the research you’ve completed).
The synthesis aspect of this paper is very important. When focusing on synthesis in your work, rather than simply writing an overview including standard bio-facts on a particular species, you can provide multiple perspectives on a specific environmental issue surrounding that species, such as community involvement in the management of said species or a critical focus on species conservation efforts in one location versus another. Remember, this is a synthesis paper where you are challenged to think critically about your chosen topic while also including your voice.
Your paper should integrate thoughts and perspectives that are researched and discussed during the web discussion portion of this course (it should not simply state a combination of facts that cannot be discussed). Instructors and Facilitators will be looking for synthesis in your submission and will not accept a paper that primarily focuses on facts.
Synthesis Paper-Specific Requirements & Formatting
Your synthesis must center around a clear thesis statement
Integrate the literature review research and your own voice
Paper submissions must be limited to 5-6 pages, not including title page, references, or appendices
Include a minimum of eight (8) scholarly, peer-reviewed journal articles in addition to anything you cite from the required course readings using APA 7th citation style.