Customer Retention Strategy Project: Customer Retention Strategy Plan Assignment

To improve customer retention, marketers must construct and engage in strategic planning. In
this course, you will craft a Customer Retention Strategy (CRSP) that includes a social media
marketing campaign designed that if integrated, will improve customer retention for the assigned
case study company.
Please read the Digital Marketing Case Study found in this Module: Week’s Learn materials
and complete the following for Phase 1 of the Customer Retention Strategy (CRSP).
Conduct additional research and report on what the company in the Digital Marketing
Case Study is doing in the area of customer retention.
o Conduct a SWOT analysis focusing on customer retention.
o Identify and explain at least 1 internet marketing tool that the company is using to
assist with customer retention.
Is this tool effective? Why or why not? Support your answer.
o Identify and explain at least 1 internet marketing tool that the company should
begin using in order to improve customer retention
How would this tool benefit the company? Are there any potential
drawbacks to using the tool?
Identify Usability Testing (Roberts & Zahay: Chapter 15) techniques that can be used
to ensure the site and various social media performs as expected.
Describe how you will develop the site to maximize the mobile experience for users as
described in Roberts & Zahay: Chapter 15
Calculate the Return on Investment (ROI) for integrating customer retention processes
into lead generation and conversion. Please refer to the article “How to Calculate the
ROI on a Lead Generation Program” which can be found in this Module: Week’s
Learn materials
o Describe how it impacts customer satisfaction and retention.
Your submission must be at least 2,500 words and include at least 8 scholarly sources in addition
to the Bible and course textbooks. Your project must include a brief description of how your
proposed modifications/approach brings glory to God. You must also include an introduction and
conclusion with a title page and reference page that comply with current APA formatting
requirements. You should also include a header and page numbers. The use of charts, graphs and
visuals is acceptable and encouraged.
Note: Your assignment will be checked for originality via the Turnitin plagiarism tool.

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