Describe a time that you, or a loved one , or a patient to whom you cared for experienced a gap in good care.
January 22, 2024January 22, 2024
Discipline: Nursing
While reading chp 2 in your text, Read chapter 4 in your text. Review the STEPPS videos on patient quality and safety(Links to an external site.) Watch all 3 patient videos. Describe a time that you, a loved one, or a patient to whom you were assigned experienced a “gap in good care”. Review Changing meanings of quality and safety in nursing education, Box 4.3, p.91 in the Black textbook. How would you build a unit “culture of safety” to support nursing action on such concerns?
Be sure to follow posted Discussion Board instructions and grading rubric.Respond to the post of at least one other classmate by the discussion due date.
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