My Name: Garley Alexis
4 letters needed: G,Y,A,S
Write a set of instructions for writing the first letter of your first name and the last letter of your first name and the first letter of your last name and the last letter of your last name
(4 letters total).
Example: Since my name is David Sher, the first letters of my first name is D last letter of my first name is d. The first letter of my last name is S and the last letter of my last name is r. You must use the letters from your name (the student doing the assignment’s) , not mine.
The instructions should be clear and specific as possible. Each instruction must refer to a geometric shape or curve including its size and position. Instructions that refer to characters or symbols (like ‘a’ or ‘(‘ ) will be ignored. Following the instructions should result in a drawing of a legible version of your letters. Be particularly clear about the size of the geometric shapes and the position of each shape in it. It must be the student’s name and not someone else’s name.
**Please read & follow directions provided. If you have any questions please let me know thank you.