Developing a cybersecurity awareness portal for Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs)

This is a Master’s project Literature Review request.

This project seeks a comprehensive literature review on developing a cybersecurity educational portal for Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs). Target: 3000 words. 
  • Review Goals:
    Identify the state of the art: Analyze recent, peer-reviewed research to understand current approaches and knowledge gaps. 
  • Highlight vulnerabilities: Emphasize the specific cybersecurity risks faced by MSMEs. 
  • Evaluate existing solutions: Consider commercially available options like and Riot, noting their potential cost barriers for MSMEs. Free resources like safeonweb, ENISA, and NIST provide scattered information. There’s no streamlined process. NIST for instance provides more detailed information, but one lesson being 1h long is counterintuitive for employees when it comes to engagement and attention. 
  • Focus on best practices: Analyze research on effective educational content and platforms, including gamification and bite-sized learning. 
  • Bridge the gap: Identify how a free, interactive, and engaging portal can address the identified gaps in MSME cybersecurity education. 

Additional Information:
A prototype portal exists for collecting user data and feedback to evaluate its effectiveness. 

Desired Writer Qualifications:

Academic background in IT and/or Cybersecurity. Experience conducting literature reviews. Knowledge of educational content development. Understanding of contemporary teaching methods like gamification.

Project Outcome:

This review aims to identify best practices and strategies for developing an engaging, effective, and user-friendly cybersecurity educational portal tailored to the specific needs of MSMEs. The findings will inform the further development of the existing portal.

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