Quick Description. Using the population affected by a nutrition-related chronic disease you selected for the first 2 assignments and the principles of good nutrition research, you will design an intervention within this population that prevents, manages, or treats that chronic disease.
(The population I chose is African Americans and the nutrition-related chronic disease is hypertension/high blood pressure. See the “Description” (1st assignment) and “Determinants of Dietary Intake” (2nd assignment) attachments for reference)
Assignment Objectives.
- Apply principles of good nutrition research to design a practical intervention.
- Synthesize knowledge of dietary determinants and chronic disease relationships.
- Develop a concise, compelling research proposal in the NIH-specific aims format.
- Communicate complex scientific ideas to both academic and lay audiences.
Detailed Description & Deliverables. Your submission will include three components (You can put all these 3 components in a single document):
- A 2-page NIH-style specific aims page. Your specific aims should provide a brief rationale for the intervention that should tie back to the “Determinants of Dietary Intake” assignment, brief methods for the intervention, specific aims the intervention would address, and describe how the project is significant and innovative.
- A 500-word lay-person summary of your intervention.
- 1-page graphical summary of the intervention (may include <100-word footer).
Evaluation Criteria.
- Aims – Demonstration of understanding and application of nutrition research principles (20%)
- Aims – Clear connection to previously identified dietary determinants (15%)
- Aims – Adherence to NIH Specific Aims format and content requirements (15%)
- Aims – Relevance and potential impact of the proposed intervention (10%)
- Lay Summary – Clarity and accessibility of the lay-person summary (20%)
- Graphical Summary – Effectiveness of the graphical summary in conveying the intervention strategy (20%)