The research question of this assignment is: how does digital literacy impact the prevention of cyber bullying from the perspective of children.
First you will write an introduction that highlights the relevance of this topic and its importance.
Note: here you will have to start off strong using recent events to capture the intrest of the reader. Do make sure that the recent events are not too traumatizing to the reader but contain just the right amount of ‘severity’ for them to be activated.
The aim of this study is to conduct novel explanatory research on the impact of digital literacy when it comes to the prevention of cyberbullying of children
The introduction should be no more than 2-2.5 pages
It needs to be made clear to the reader what each used concept is; before you pick a definition you have to analyze how different researchers define the concepts and then finally you explain why you made a choice to stick to one of the definitions that you will be using to define the concepts from that point on.
The following concepts need to be defined:
- Cyberbullying (about 1- 1.5 pages)
- Digital Literacy (about 1- 1.5 pages)
The explanation of the two concepts should be 1.5-2 pages.
The target group of this study is children, explain the following:
- What age group is most likely to be cyberbullied; you will have to make a choice as to which age group you will be focussing on and why. ( E.g children aged 8-14 years old, digital media is getting easier to understand and comprehend which allows it to be used by children early on).
- Prevalence of cyberbullying in the Netherlands
- Prevalence of cyberbullying around the world
- Psychological effects of cyberbullying on children
The introduction of this study’s target group should be 1.5-2 pages.
Lastly, you will have to look at existing interventions in the Netherlands and interventions around the world and compare them based on how effective they are for the chosen target group.
In this part you will make a pedestal as to why it is important to make an intervention that is specifically designed for this group following recent events.
The comparison of effectiveness of the interventions should be about 1.5-2 pages.
Make sure to use;
- Double lining,
- Page numbering
- APA 7 guidelines, correct in-text references,
- Scientific literature, use at least 15
- Reference list, including hyperlink of the DOI