Digital Nomadism and Its Influence on Global Entrepreneurship and local impact in indonesia

 Instruction for writing
Research Paper

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1. Title

  • Clear
    and Concise:
    Reflects the essence of the study and includes key
    variables or concepts.
  • Engaging:
    Should capture the reader’s interest and accurately convey the focus of
    the research.

2. Abstract

  • Summary
    of Key Points:
    Briefly summarizes the research question, methods,
    results, and conclusions.
  • Keywords:
    Include relevant keywords to improve searchability.

3. Introduction

  • Background:
    Provides context and background information relevant to the research
  • Problem
    Clearly defines the research problem or gap in the existing
  • Objectives:
    States the objectives or research questions.
  • Significance:
    Explains the importance and potential impact of the research.

4. Literature Review

  • Comprehensive
    Reviews relevant literature to establish the theoretical
    framework and context.
  • Critical
    Analyzes previous research to highlight gaps that your study
    aims to address.
  • Theoretical
    Discusses theories and models relevant to your study.
  • Gap
    show the gap
    and need of our research




5. Methodology

  • Research
    Describes the research design and approach (qualitative,
    quantitative, mixed-methods).
  • Data
    Details the data collection methods (e.g., surveys,
    interviews, experiments).
  • Sampling:
    Explains the sampling methods and sample size.
  • Analysis:
    Describes how data will be analyzed and interpreted.
  • Validity
    and Reliability:
    Discusses measures taken to ensure the validity and
    reliability of the research.

6. Results

  • Presentation:
    Clearly presents the findings using tables, figures, and descriptive text.
  • Analysis:
    Provides detailed analysis and interpretation of the results.

7. Discussion

  • Interpretation:
    Interprets the results in the context of the research questions and
    literature review.
  • Implications:
    Discusses the theoretical and practical implications of the findings.
  • Limitations:
    Acknowledges the limitations of the study and suggests areas for future

8. Conclusion

  • Summary
    of Findings:
    Summarizes the key findings and their significance.
  • Recommendations:
    Provides recommendations based on the research findings.

9. References

  • Comprehensive
    Includes all sources cited in the paper, formatted according
    to the journal’s style guide.
  • Up-to-date
    Ensure that references are current and relevant to the

10. Appendices (if applicable)

  • Supplementary
    Includes any supplementary material that supports the
    research, such as raw data, detailed methodological descriptions, or
    additional analyses.

11. Ethical Considerations

  • Ethics
    Includes information on how ethical issues were addressed,
    such as informed consent and data protection.

12. Acknowledgments

  • Credits:
    Acknowledge any assistance or funding received from individuals,
    institutions, or organizations.

13. Author Contributions

  • Roles:
    Outline the specific contributions of each author to the research.

Additional Tips for Top Journals:

  • Originality:
    Ensure that your research presents original findings or perspectives.
  • Clarity
    and Precision:
    Write clearly and precisely, avoiding jargon and
    complex language.
  • Relevance:
    Ensure that the research addresses a significant issue or gap in the









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