In this project, you will explore a scientific research study recognized with prestigious awards such as the Nobel Prize or Lasker Prize. The project aims to enhance your understanding of cell signaling transduction processes and the ability to communicate scientific findings effectively.
You will select scientific research to explain the significance of the discoveries, the experimental methodologies employed, and the implications for our understanding of cell signaling transduction. * (Discoveries of cells that constitute a positioning system in the brain (The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 2013)*Also, you will use Pubmed’s citation and publication count to analyze how this research impacted the field
create a PPTX file (all slides in landscape format). Use the following instructions:
- Slide #1 is the title slide. The following information must appear on this slide:
- Project Title
- Student Name
- Course Name
- Date
- Slides #2-8 are the content-based slides. Emphasis must be placed on originality in. both thought & delivery. The presentation must include your critical evaluation of, or opinions about, the research, history, and future perspectives.
Content Guidelines: each slide should focus on one of the following:
- Description of the foundational work that led up to the award (slide #2)
- Description of the award-winning work itself (slide #3)
- Explanation about how the research relates to, or can be integrated with, our core course material (slide #4)
- Critical evaluation of the work (slide #5)
- Explanation as to why you think the research was award-winning (slide #6)
- Impact of this award-winning work (on the larger field and subsequent research). You can use PubMed’s citation and publication count to analyze how this research impacted the field. (slide #7)
- Consideration of questions still at large & contemplation about how they might best be answered (slide #8)
Slide #9 will be all of your references.