Discussion 3: Discuss the pricing strategies and distribution strategies of a company

Pricing Strategy and Distribution Channels of The Home Depot store
Identify primary competitors of the company.  
How does the company differentiate its product/service? Discuss primary channels of marketing. Explain how a company should adapt prices and marketing channels to meet varying circumstances and opportunities. 
Pricing Strategies 
Select a company and interview the owner/manager regarding their pricing strategies and methods. Report on your findings. Ideally, this will be your current company, but you may need to be resourceful and find a business owner or manager from another company who is willing to visit with you. Your goal is to discover the following: 
* What is the company’s pricing objective? For this question, it would be helpful to show the interviewee a list of the pricing objectives on page 489 with very brief descriptions (Suggestion: you can either highlight the first 1-3 sentences under each objective and then show the interviewee the highlighted descriptions in your text OR simply retype them on another sheet of paper for use in the interview).
* Do they have some target segments that are less price sensitive than others? 
* How much consideration does the company give to competitors’ prices when setting their own? 
* What method of pricing do they use to arrive at the final prices? Then, after the interview, try to determine which of the textbook’s methods the company uses. You do not need to request or report exact markups or profit margins!   
Your initial post should be roughly 200 words in length. Please cite the resources you reference in-text and under a “References” section in APA format. 

Book: Marketing Management, 16th Edition
By: Kotler, Philip
ISBN: 978-0-13-588715-8

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