Overview of Islam | Spirit and Nature in Islam
Early Islamic Philosophical Theology in 24 Minutes
For your first paragraph, watch the Overview of Islam lecture and digest the lecture-notes. Then summarize at least three subsections of the lecture in some detail that you found particularly interesting, and what you learned about Islam you didn’t know before in the process.
For the second paragraph, we are going to try to spark discussion and compare and contrast between a major Christian and a major Islamic philosophical theology. To keep this manageable, let’s focus on the main players which are, in Christianity, Augustine and Aquinas (respectively, a more Platonist and a more Aristotelian Christian thinker), and in Islam, al-Farabi and Avicenna (again, a more Platonist and a more Aristotelian Islamic thinker). Explain one major aspect of either Augustine’s or Aquinas’s philosophy, and make at least one point of philosophical compare and contrast with either al-Farabi or Avicenna.