Discussion: WK1-DQ1a Advertising Concepts / Discussion: Lean Cuisine – Diet or Frozen?

Week 1 – DQ1a: Advertising Concepts

first post your discussion regarding the following topic:
  • Discuss how the “Communication process aligns with Advertising ?” 
  • Which of the 9 components of Promotions do you feel would be your area to specialize in, and why?
  • Next, highlight at least one trend that has either a positive or negative effect on Marketing Communications 
Please explain how you would define each of these terms above, and why you feel they are important to Business Owners, and to society as a whole. 
Be sure to support ALL your work with APA in-text citations, and work references.
By Tuesday Evenings (no later than 2:30 pm) – Please post your initial reply to this discussion topic.
Return to this Discussion in a few days to read the responses to your initial posting. Make a personal note of what you learned and/or any insights you gained as a result of the comments made by your colleagues.

Be sure to support ALL your work with APA, in-text citations, and work references.
For your convenience, please copy-paste your work from the Word doc or type it directly into the Text message box.
Any evidence of Plagiarism (Copying Classmate’s postings, copying sentences, and paragraphs, overly using or improperly using Quotes, and/or citing quotes… from online or hardcopy sources) will result in you receiving a zero (0) for the assignment, and possibly receive a failing grade for the course.
Any Work/submission that reflects more than 10% (i.e. less than 90% of originality) will result in a loss of points and/or be deemed as plagiarism.

second discussion post 

Discussion: Lean Cuisine – Diet, Frozen, or TV Dinner?
DQ’s are Discussion Question & Topics which seeks to help students apply terms & concepts learned from the chapter readings & assignments.
TV Dinners???  Hmmm?  Do you remember them?  Um, probably not, especially if you are not from the old-school / AKA, Back in the Dayzzz. Take a look at this link about the Old-School TV Dinners
Lean Cuisine’s Advertising effort to shift consumer perceptions of “frozen products” included a multi-faceted approach. Access Lean Cuisine’s website and evaluate the marketing messages presented.
  • What do you think their advertising message conveys?
  • Do they convince you to reconsider your views of various products?
  • Is the effort working, or do you still perceive Lean Cuisine to just be “diet” food, – or is it Frozen Food, or – – a TV Dinner? Please explain your answer. 
Be sure to support ALL your work with APA in-text citations, and work references.   
By Tuesday Evenings (no later than 3 pm) – Please post your initial reply to this discussion topic.
Return to this Discussion in a few days to read the responses to your initial posting. Make a personal note of what you learned and/or any insights you gained as a result of the comments made by your colleagues.
For your convenience, please copy-paste your work from the Word doc or type it directly into the Text message box.
Any evidence of Plagiarism (Copying Classmate’s postings, copying sentences, paragraphs, overly using or improperly using Quotes and / citing quotes… from online or hardcopy sources) will result in you receiving a zero (0) for the assignment, and possibly receive a failing grade for the course.
Any Work/submission that reflects more than 10% (i.e. less than 90% of originality) will result in a loss of points and/or be deemed as plagiarism.

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