Book refrence:,+O.+F.+(2015).+Contemporary+Controversies+in+Psychoanalytic+Theory,+Technique,+and+Their+Applications.&ots=FHo32rQHBG&sig=vUz6EuXAW6ljPMagVy0o2pFCgNc#v=onepage&q&f=false
Include what other scholalry people says about this topic and their thoughts
I attached the the rubric with this please use that, use only scholalry articles atleast 5.
i also attached my proposal for this fial crtique paper please refer to that too.
Freud’s oedipus complex theory should have to rewrite, and reconsider because of the gender diveristy, social economic factors and different types of parenting styles we have now in 2024.
* Please please use the book refrence.
* Add intext citation
* prove that this theory is false. Can’t apply it to modern psychoanalysis.
* include the history of the oedipus complex theory
* include; how this oedipus complex theory relatd to psychoanalysis